Backup iPad Content To OneDrive
Setting up OneDrive
If you haven't set up OneDrive yet, click on the link below and follow the steps.
Backup iPad Files to OneDrive
1. Open the Files app on your iPad.
2. Make sure you're in "On My iPad". These are the local files that aren't backed up.
3. In the top right, tap Select and then on the top left tap Select All.
4. In the bottom right, tap on More and then Compress
5. Select the file that says and share it to OneDrive
6. Tap Upload To OneDrive.
7. If you are doing this in preparation for a fresh install, the files will now be stored in a Zip file on OneDrive ready to download onto the iPad after it has been wiped.
Backup Photos to OneDrive
1. Open OneDrive
2. Tap on the circle with initials in the top left corner
3. Tap on Photos
4. Turn on Camera Upload
5. Tap the box and then confirm the upload.
6. Allow access to all photos.
7. The photos will upload. Anything that is still uploading will be shown by a bar in the top right saying how many remaining.
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