Corpus Connect Notification Settings
Corpus Connect allows users to select what modules they would like to receive notifications from. By default users receive notifications from all modules in the app but have the ability to opt out of certain notifications in the app settings.
Please follow these simple steps to change your notification settings.
1. Launch the Corpus Connect App
2. Open the App Settings using the settings button at the bottom of the window
3. Click on Subscriptions to open the subscriptions menu
4. This shows you which modules you have selected to receive notifications from
This allows you to unsubscribe from a module by clicking the tick to the right of the page.
In this example I could click on the tick next to Junior School, this will mean I am no longer receiving notifications for anything relating to the Junior School
5. If you click on the name of the module you will be presented with some other options to manage your subscription as seen below
6. This allows me to select which subsections i would like to show notifications from
In this example I may decide that I no longer want to see notifications from Senior School Sport so I can just untick the sport bubble
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