IT Helpdesk - Corpus Christi College

(08) 6332 2574

ICT Off-Boarding for Graduating and Departing Students

Modified on: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 11:20 AM

Upon graduating or departing, student must ensure that they do the following items as email, SEQTA learn and any other CEWA credential accounts will be deleted at the commencement of the following year. 

**For device in the BYOD program that are still supervised and managed by Corpus Christi College

If you do not complete the last step: "Finalising the Off-Boarding process for BYOD Program", you will encounter issues with the log-in process for your iPad after an update. Your iPad will display an error message stating it could not contact the College's MDM server. The solution for this is to erase the iPad via a physically connected laptop or desktop. 

Return of College Owned device to Corpus ICT

On the last day at the college, If you have chosen to not purchase the College Owned device please return College Owned device and accessories to Corpus ICT, For further details regarding our ICT Strategy please visit this link.

Please beware there will be a charge if the College Owned device has been returned damage.

Corpus ICT Details 
Corpus Christi College, Robert McCormack Library
50 Murdoch Drive,
Bateman, WA, 6150

Download Reports from SEQTA Learn

As your SEQTA Learn log-in credentials will be deactivated, ensure that you download and save a copy of ALL your school reports. Saving them onto a USB or hard-drive, as well as another location is preferred to prevent any accidental loss of data.

Back-Up Important Photos and Files 

Next, ensure that important photos and files are backed up onto a Cloud, Laptop or on a USB/Hardrive. This will prevent data loss should you wish to wipe your device. 

To back-up your iPad, follow the steps outlined here: How do I back-up my iPad

Check Subscription Services 

As your school email account will be deactivated, ensure that any information on subscription services (i.e Spotify, Netflix) have been updated. You will need to open this up in the service's website. For example, if you would like to change your spotify email address, you would have to do so from the Spotify website.

If you have signed up for emails from companies using your school email address and you would like to continue receiving those emails (i.e ASOS), change your email preferences from the company's website. 

Also if you are using a Corpus email address as your Apple ID address, change your Apple ID email address to a personal email address that you have access to. Find instructions for changing your Apple ID email address here: How to change your Apple ID email address  

Download ALL data from your CEWA OneDrive 

As your CEWA log-in details will expire, you will need to download all the data from your CEWA OneDrive account to be able to keep accessing the files. 

Note: this process is not supported on Internet Explorer. 

1. Sign into your OneDrive account using your CEWA email credentials (i.e and your corresponding password at at

2. To download individual or multiple files, select each item by clicking the circle check box that appears. (The left image below shows items in List view, the right image shows items in Tiles or Photos view.) (You can also select several files at once by selecting one file, scrolling down the list, then hold down the Shift key while left-clicking the last item you want to select.)

Screenshot of selecting a file in OneDrive in list view Screenshot of selecting a file in OneDrive in tile view

3. To select all files in a folder, click the circle to the left of the header row. 

Screenshot of selecting all files and folders in OneDrive

4. To select a folder, rather than just its contents, you may need to go up or back a level to select the whole folder.

Selecting a OneDrive folder

Selecting a OneDrive folder

5. In the top navigation, select Download. (You can also right-click the file, photo, or folder, and select Download.)

Screenshot of the selecting OneDrive files and downloading them.

Download ALL data from Google Drive

  1. Go to Ensure that you are signed into your student Drive
  2. Have a look for any files you would like to keep. If there are any, continue with the steps: 
  3. For one file: Click on the file to download.
    1. To download multiple files, press Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) and then click any other files.
  4. Right-click and then click Download.

Tip: You can't drag a file or folder directly to your desktop.

Finalising the Off-Boarding process for BYOD Program

**This step is for device in the BYOD program that are supervised and managed by Corpus Christi College

**Before following the next steps please ensure to backup your device if required by following this article: How to back-up my iPad**

  1. To remove the message "This iPad is supervised and managed by Corpus Christi College"

  2. Go to Settings  > General > Transfer or Reset iPad.

  3. Erase all of your data from iPad: Tap Erase All Content and Settings.

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Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574

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