Microsoft Teams
How to Join Teams Class
How to Join a Teams Class 1. Open Teams 2. Select your Class 3. Join your Class 4. Make sure your Microphone and Video are off before joining! 5. You are in the class, only talk when prompted by the Teacher 6. Need to get the Teachers Attention? Put you hand up! The Teacher will finish the class when needed. Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How Do I Send a Chat on Teams?
Activity Provides a Feed of important communications that require your attention and helps to filter down the messages of Need to Know and Nice to Know messages. Each item in the Feed can be selected which will automatically take you to the highlighted items. Item is added to the feed automatically when people, Reply to your comments Chat to you Mention you in a conversation Chat (Available Only for Staff) In Chat, you can have private one-on-one or group conversations that are not in the public team channel. Chat provides the ability to message other Staff directly without being in a specific Team. When an item is only required to be collaborated on between two single staff, or if an item wants to be discussed directly with another Staff Member Chat can provide this instance. Students are unable to use this feature due to privacy reasons Try it! Create a new chat How do I start a Chat? Click the New Chat button in the top bar of Teams Type the name of the person you would like to chat with in the To: area of the new Chat window Select the name of the person you are searching for 4. Type your message into the new chat below 5. Press enter or Send Once you have started a Chat with someone it will be available in the Recent Chat list Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How Do I Change Teams Layout/View?
Teams Layout Two different layouts can be used for viewing Teams. Both provide the same level of functionality to Teams allowing you to choose what you prefer. Select Profile Select Settings Select Grid or List to change the display of the Teams Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How Do I View and Reply to my Teams Conversations?
For the following Tutorial please set your view in Teams to Grid Instructions to change your view View your current Teams Select Teams to view the Groups Choose the name of the Team you would like to open and view Teams that are hidden can be expanded to also view and access All Teams can be selected to view all the Teams available to you Each Team provides a few methods of organizing content and conversations that are occurring. Conversations Conversations are a starting point for chatting where replies are directly attached to rather than all replies occurring in chronological order. It allows multiple conversations to be discuss simultaneously while also keeping all replies in regards to the original conversation attached. Reply If a conversation has started it is always best to use the reply button bellow the conversation rather than starting a new entire conversation. This helps to keep replies attached to the conversation that it is relevant to and will prevent confusion if there are multiple conversations occurring at the same time. Channels Channels provide a method of separating conversations into different areas which allow easier viewing and managing of separate areas. eg if you wanted to have group discussions you could make a channel for each group to separate the conversations Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How Do I Use the Conversation tab in Microsoft Teams?
The Conversation tab in Microsoft Teams appears in the General channel, as well as any additional channels you are a part of. All class members can view and add to conversations in the General channel. In other channels, use Mention to invite certain students or staff to participate in a conversation. Conversations are different from chats because they are visible to everyone in a channel and are not private. Documents shared in a conversation automatically become part of the Files tab in that file. Post a message To post a message, select the Conversation tab from any channel. Then, select the icon with the A to expand your compose box and see your text options. Use the tools to edit your post or add an attachment, gif, or emoji. Select the paper airplane icon to send your post or press Enter on your keyboard. If you decide to edit or delete your post, select the More options … icon. Track your conversations Track your conversations by visiting the Activity feed. You’ll receive notifications when someone has mentioned you in a conversation or replied to one of your posts. Your name will be highlighted in red when it’s mentioned by a teacher or student. Channels with new content, including conversations, will appear in bold. Reply to a message To reply to a message, select the Reply button underneath the message you're responding to. This will ensure that your message gets included in the conversation thread, and that the other people participating in the thread will be notified. Type your message in the box and press Enter or select the paper airplane icon to send it. Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How do I access Music Lessons on Teams? (For students)
This article will guide student on accessing their music tutoring lesson using Teams for Remote Learning. 1. Open "Teams". 2. Next click on "Teams" located at the bottom bar. 3. Click on "Music Lesson" Teams. 4. Then click on the "Tutor Name" that you are attending. 5. Wait for your tutor to initiate the music lesson. 6. Hang up the session when done Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How do I Hide/Show my Channel or Teams?
Hide or show a channel From within the channel, Select More options > Hide. If you want to unhide the channel, select hidden channels > Show. Customize channel notifications Select More options > Channel notifications. Choose the settings you want such as new post notifications or channel mentions. Select Save. Notifications appear based on your preferred settings. Show and hide Teams 1. Select Teams 2. Select Hidden teams 3. Select More options 4. Select Show Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
How do I contact ICT on Teams (For Students)
How Do I Contact ICT on Teams? (For Students) Contacting ICT on Teams 1. Click on “Teams Icon” from the “Left Menu Bar” 2. Then click on “8070-IT Helpdesk” teams. 3. Ensure you are on the “General” channel. Start typing your question or issue, providing screenshots where possible and press send. One of the ICT technicians will get back to you as soon as possible. Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574
Teams Basics (Student Edition)
In this article, you will find some helpful tips to help you navigate Teams Before a Call During a Call Still Haven't Found Your Answer? Please contact our ICT Helpdesk by emailing or by calling us on (08) 6332 2574